Everyone has fun at Mardi Gras, including our many sponsors who help make it happen. Please support our sponsors and those businesses that generously donate items to the silent auction. Let them know that you appreciate their support of Mardi Gras!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry has placed a basket filled with shawls in the vestibule of the Church. Please feel free to take one to present to someone who needs comfort, prayers, or answers. A form is included in each bag to be filled out and returned to the basket, if you wish. Can't find the right shawl? Call Rosemary Strum at (931) 581-3882 for help.
For confidential healing after abortion, please visit Project Rachael's website at: https://hopeafterabortion.com/ or contact Denise Sanson at (931) 307-1960 for more information.
A piñata, food, Christmas carols, a Posada and gingerbread house decorating - kids of all ages enjoyed the December 15th parish Christmas party!
Everyone enjoyed the world famous spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, salad, drink, and dessert at the spaghetti dinner held on Saturday, November 2nd.
Thanks to all who supported this important fundraiser! With net proceeds of $2,500 the Knights were able to donate $1,250 each to Life Choices Pregnancy Support Center and Good Samaritan Ministries of Franklin County.
Save the date - the next spaghetti dinner will be on April 5, 2025. Come enjoy the best spaghetti dinner in possibly the whole world while supporting this important fundraiser for your local community.
Patricia (Pat) Sherrill - 02/04/2025
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