My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Good Shepherd and St. Margaret Mary comprise a warm and welcoming community, a true family of faith. We value every new parishioner and visitor. Each person enriches our experience of community and our worship.
We have a strong commitment to living out our faith through the beautiful liturgies and sacraments of the Church, through study and faith sharing, and through passing along the faith to others, especially our youth. Our parishioners also have a strong commitment to service and to the support of those in need in our local community. The love of God is alive and at work in our parish and community. Each day, we work to live out a life of prayer and worship combined with a life of action and service.
We strive to fulfill Christ’s mission to build God’s kingdom with joy and love. We are the incarnation of God’s love in this world, and our ability to come together and bring that love to others is the heart of our parish. We endeavor to answer God’s call to be salt and light for the world.
We hope you will find your spiritual home with us. We cherish the opportunity to help each other become the beloved son or daughter of God that we were created to be!
Sincerely in Christ,
Anthony Mutuku