New to the parish? Welcome. We're happy that you've chosen to worship with us. Filling out a registration form is one way for us to get to know you better. Registration forms are located in the narthex (entrance) of the church. Just complete the form and drop it in the collection basket. Would you like to talk to someone first? Send us an email or give us a call:
(931) 967-0961
Good Shepherd Parish
Address: 2021 Decherd Blvd
Decherd, TN 37324
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday
Office Phone: (931) 967-0961
Emergency: (931) 636-2742
Office email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bulletin Submittals: [email protected]
To be added to the Parish email list please contact the Church Office.
St. Margaret Mary Mission Church
Address: 9458 Old Alto Hwy.
Alto, TN 37324
Director Religious Education & Youth Ministry
Patty Davidson
Cell Phone: (931) 224-2162
email: [email protected]
Communion for the Sick or Homebound
If you know of anyone who is sick or homebound and would like to receive communion, please contact Denise Sanson at (931) 307-1960, the church office or our parish emergency contact number (above).