What: Catholic Charismatic Renewal
When: July 22-23 (Friday and Saturday)
Where: St. Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Church
601 Bell Road, Nashville, TN
The Friday night session will emphasize music, praise and worship. On Saturday Dr. Hahn will be delivering three inspirational talks.
Catechist may earn hours toward their certification.
Registration is $40.00 for Individual; and $70.00 Family
For a brochure or additional information, contact Teresa Seibert, Associate Liaison at 615-430-9343.
You may also register online at www.msrcc.org.
Pre-Registration is encouraged.
God’s Mercy . . . in this time of so much fragmentation, not only in our world, but within Christianity itself, the message of God’s Mercy calls to the deepest part of our being. We know we are called to be one – Jesus’ most fervent prayer was for just that! And the only way to regain and keep that oneness is through the power of the Holy Spirit present in our daily living. We need to respond to Christ – we must! So come to the conference and stand with all of us declaring our solidarity in/with the Lord.
Check schedule on www.msrcc.org for changes
Registration 6:00 pm
Music and Praise 7:00 pm
Opening Session 7:45 pm
Close 9:00 pm
Registration 8:00 am
Music and Praise 8:30 am
Mass 9:00 am
Session 2 10:30 am
2B1 Youth Rally Noon
Session 3 1:00 pm
Session 4 3:00 pm
Supper 4:15 pm
Evening Session 7:00 pm
Close 9:30 pm